
NOTE: The updated information about PEMF2026 will be published at the beginning of 2026.

Fees are not refundable. Payment instructions, banking data and instructions for the authors will be sent by email.

  • Virtual participation including publishing: 180€/paper
  • Virtual participation including publishing (student): 90€/paper
  • Virtual participation without publishing and presenting: free

  • Regular participation including publishing: 270€/paper*
  • Regular participation including publishing (student): 180€/paper*
    *only for a limited number of authors; personal participation of one author per paper is covered by this fee; price includes attending conference sessions, lunch, dinner, coffee breaks refreshment, welcome package

  • Regular participation without publishing and presenting: 90€/person**
  • Regular participation without publishing and presenting (student): 90€/person**
    ** price includes attending conference sessions, lunch, dinner, coffee breaks refreshment, welcome package